Perceptive souls will notice a Creative Commons license in the bottom of the left hand column. Or, if you’re reading the bare bones Population: One, it’s at the bottom of the page. I wound up choosing the very liberal Attribution license. This means that anyone can copy, distribute, or display these pages or works derived from these pages, as long as they give me credit. I doubt anyone will, mind you. This is pretty much just a philosophical statement.
I have noted that the entire site is under that license except where specifically noted otherwise. That’s because of this entry, which is licensed under the Open Game License. I think the Creative Commons licenses are generally superior to the OGL; the OGL includes several restrictions on material covered by the license, and also adds a complex and confusing Product Identity clause. I don’t expect to license anything further under the OGL, unless I have to because I’m deriving from something else licensed under the OGL.
I haven’t bothered adding the license to each individual archive page, because I don’t want to be cluttered. I may change my mind; if anyone happens to have thoughts on this, feel free to sing out.
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