I’m going to start keeping track of how many New York themed collections Criterion runs before they get around to Boston. Which I suppose would need to be Boston Crime — it’s a low hanging fruit, y’all. Or Boston Journalism but that’s not quite as rich a topic. Anyhow I did wind up watching Carol from New York Love Stories so I can’t complain too hard. So, April’s lineup:
Tag: criterion channel
March’s lineup is the kind of varied, interesting curation that represents the Criterion Channel at its best. Unfortunately, there’s one big miss: no celebration for Women’s History Month! Nannina Gilder took up the slack with a great Bluesky thread curating the collection she’d have made with movies that are already on the Channel.
Also I’m late on this one. Criterion dropped the lineup later than usual and it’s been a very busy month for me. So it goes.
Sometimes it’s just a new month with new movies, you know? I’m gonna dig right into it — there’s at least one collection which I want to draw attention to.
January is kind of a traditional, vanilla month for the Criterion Channel — less experimental or unknown work, more stuff from the canon. Which is still not bad! So let’s see what we’ve got.
Holiday time! What does Criterion Channel have for us in December?
OK, look, Hitchcock doesn’t become holiday-related just because you call your collection “Hitchcock for the Holidays.” Great collection but come on. We’ll return to this. However, I want to start with the very last thing on the announcement.
November is Noirvember for many of us, the Criterion Channel included. Their November lineup features two noir collections and a couple more that include more than a little noir flavor. Let’s open it up and see what we’ve got in the briefcase.
This is in part an experiment to figure out if I can keep to a monthly posting cadence on a particular topic. Unsurprisingly, it’s about movies — specifically, what’s coming to the Criterion Channel next month? Criterion themes their months around collections, which typically stick around for several months thereafter; any given collection is usually a mix of new to the channel movies and existing faves. Here’s a rundown of October’s collections and some specifics which caught my eye.