Everything old is new again, particularly my blog design. If you run into issues, drop me a comment or an email.
It's where I talk to myself. Gaming, politics, and links I don't want to forget about.
Everything old is new again, particularly my blog design. If you run into issues, drop me a comment or an email.
Test comment.
It’s fixed width. Thumbs down.
I like it!
Agreed, rone; if only height: 100% wasn’t implemented buggily for floated divs in every browser… problem is that since there are bugs, I need a background image in order to get a non-broken full column effect, and thus it’s gotta be fixed.
I like it; much more cheery and colorful than the drab gray you previously had. Nice work!
I miss the quotes!
liked the old. the island metaphor misses the mark.