NBC bought the new Sorkin show. They paid a hunka hunka burning money, it’s a show about a live comedy show (c.f. SNL), and that’s most of the informational content of the article I just linked to.
It's where I talk to myself. Gaming, politics, and links I don't want to forget about.
NBC bought the new Sorkin show. They paid a hunka hunka burning money, it’s a show about a live comedy show (c.f. SNL), and that’s most of the informational content of the article I just linked to.
Creep is pretty much your standard nouveau horror flick (see also Cabin Fever, Cube, etc.). Franka Potente is trapped in the London Underground late at night, and must flee a scary homicidal creature who kills and eats for reasons never exactly explained. It’s pared down, tense throughout, self-aware, and so forth. I left feeling sort of apathetic, though.
I was scared — Christopher Smith is a dab hand with the jump scare. He’s also really good at using the well-lit Underground in contrast with dank side tunnels for effect; light is not a significator for “safe” in this movie. Perhaps in accordance with this, the monster is fully revealed about two thirds of the way through — no shadows. That worked fairly well, I thought. It means the movie was working without a net, however.
Tension-wise, that was fine. Smith got tension even when we knew exactly what the thing looked like. On the other hand, he veered into Grand Guignol territory with at least one scene that I found gratuitous; it didn’t raise the tension, it didn’t make the monster scarier, it didn’t raise the threat level for the protagonist, and it didn’t reveal a whole lot about the backstory.
What you had, I think, is a bad script. (Smith both directed and wrote.) This shows in a few places. The mythology of the monster is somewhat muddled. There’s a nice bit where the monster’s presence is signified by the arrival of rats, but there’s no reason why that would happen — he’s probably not a supernatural evil — and the rats are more or less dropped after a couple of scenes.
Further, and probably the most damning, Potente’s character is not sympathetic. She’s kinda shallow, she’s distinctly bitchy, and she’s too dumb for words. Yeah, dumber than your usual slasher movie hero. The first time she failed to do the smart thing, I lived with it. The second time I got a little grumpy. The third time I considered rooting for the monster. She wasn’t just dumb, she was obtrusively dumb. Also not sympathetic. In fact, she was kind of wimpy.
So about middle of the road, all in all. The directing was really good; Smith probably just needs to not direct his own scripts. And Potente was excellent, unsurprisingly.
OK, so, now, Izo…
I got nothing. I walked out of the theater completely baffled. I can’t say good, I can’t say bad. Izo, who was a real historical figure, is executed in the 1800s and returns to cut his way through everything that stands between him and… something. The Emperor? He’s the irrational, we’re told, expelled by a perfect rational system. His karma is so horrible that he’s made to suffer in this way. There’s a folk singer who shows up from time to time to advance those themes. He dies, he comes back, he kills more people. He is the embodiment of rage. Towards the end, he meets up with a woman who says she’s part of his spirit, and that she was supposed to meet him but hasn’t. She’s the compassionate part. The mysterious council of rulers explain that they’ve created an illusion in order to maintain perfect control. (They do wind up dying, yes.) Izo reaches the Emperor, worn out from his struggles — kills the guards, one of whom then transmutes into a caterpillar — and…
Is blown over by a single breath from the Emperor. Then, over the credits, the folk singer explains that “You are free to go anywhere.”
I got nothing. Maybe it’s about rejecting control, but Izo loses, so who knows? The historical Izo was an assassin who killed supporters of the Shogunate. Seriously, I got nothing, and I can usually engage with Miike movies. Or Lynch movies. But this was beyond me.
A note regarding Apple’s new iTunes video content:
It’s cool to be able to download a TV episode for $1.99. Might even be the magic price point. However, what Apple has for some reason not promoted is the cost of old seasons — e.g., season one of Lost will run you around thirty-five bucks. This is somewhat cheaper than the DVDs, although quality is also lower. But from reports so far, they look just fine on — say — the new media center-oriented iMac.
The Boston Fantastic Film Festival schedule is out. It’s what you might call slightly heavy on the horror; they’re also showing The Muppet Movie. Intriguing contrast — since they showed Five Children and It last year, I’m assuming there’s a tradition of having a children’s movie.
Hm. Thursday night looks good, with Creep and the inevitable Miike. Friday, likewise, for Marebito and R-Point. More the latter. I could miss Friday night without shedding too many tears.
Saturday has nothing I’m dying to see but Dark Hours, although I quite wanna see that. Reeker? Maybe. And then Sunday… I keep going back and forth on Three: Extremes. I was chatting about it with my sweetie, and the truth is, I just don’t dig Chan-wook Park that much. I dunno. If Miike expands his segment (Fruit Park expanded his), I’d see that.
It’s a pity we’re not getting more non-horror this year, but it hasn’t been a great year for that. Night Watch would be nice, as would some Hong Kong action, but the BFFF hasn’t ever been oriented towards Asian action flicks so I can’t fault them there. And this is a nice festival all in all.
Oh, Ann Coulter.
It’s a great column. I mean, you get the usual “liberals are the devil” stuff which of course only coincidentally resembles the rhetoric of extremists who really would like to see liberals dead. You don’t get an Ann Coulter column without that; they don’t have anything without glossy intellectual hatred in it.
But you also get the pit bull going after Bush, a fine spectacle indeed. It’s worth it for that aspect alone. Don’t stop! There’s more.
“I know conservatives have been trained to hate people who went to elite universities, and generally that’s a good rule of thumb. But not when it comes to the Supreme Court. … Being on the Supreme Court isn’t like winning a ‘Best Employee of the Month’ award. It’s a real job.”
There you have it. You shouldn’t hate people who go to elite universities when they’re doing real jobs. Mind you, I just elided two and a half paragraphs to produce the quote, but nobody’s perfect.
J. Papelbon: 4 innings, 2 hits, 0 runs, 0 walks, 2 Ks, 0.00 ERA. Nice little series for the kid.
The Red Sox were flawed, they made the playoffs anyway, and they didn’t do well. Next year ought to be pretty good. It is not necessary to bring back Damon; he’ll be 33 and may well have peaked over the last four years. Thanks for the title, Johnny!
The question for the off-season: who’s the ace? Schilling isn’t coming back as his old self, Clement isn’t an ace, and so on. Not a lot of great pitching on the free agent market. Burnett? I don’t think so. Morris or Mulder? Hm. Or maybe they’ll finally make the Manny trade.
But I like having a lot of strong pitching coming up from the minors, and I’m not too worried about the rest of the team. Next year ought to be good.
Suck news of the day: the Brattle Theater is in trouble. Compared to Katrina? This is a pretty trivial deal. But it’s still significant enough for me to care.
The Brattle has film programming as good as anything I’ve seen anywhere, including the Castro Theater out in San Francisco. Ned Hinkle, who does the programming, has an exhaustive knowledge of film and he has the contacts and know-how necessary to program festivals ranging from a complete Wong Kar Wai retrospective to a classic film noir series. They also run the Boston Fantastic Film Festival, which is small potatoes compared to Fantasia or Sitges, but which does not in the least suck to have around.
Long story short: they’re a treasure, and if you care about film in Boston — which you may not, it’s just my obsession — it’s worth donating.
Speaking of fractures in the Republican Party:
Roy Moore, the Alabama Chief Justice who was removed from office for ignoring an order to remove a representation of the Ten Commandments from the state judicial building, will challenge Republican governor Bob Riley in 2006. Betcha he wins.
My initial read on the Miers nomination is that she’s the big business pick. She spent almost three decades as a corporate lawyer, eventually becoming a partner at one of the biggest law firms in Texas. She worked with Karl Rove on Texas tort reform back when Bush was governor. And, as has been reported just about everywhere, she’s tremendously loyal to Bush.
It reads like she’s part of Bush’s Texas business-oriented crowd to me. This is one of the pillars of Bush’s support, alongside the social conservative bunch. Social conservative is perhaps an oversimplification here; I’m not sure I should be putting anti-government types like Grover Norquist alongside Rick Santorum. But close enough for now; they’ve got more in common than either of them do with Dick Cheney. More to the point, it’d have been possible to nominate a Justice who’d satisfy both Norquist and Santorum.
What’s happening, though, is that Bush has decided he’ll give the business guys a seat at the table before he gives the social conservatives a seat at the table. I think Miers is probably as bad a candidate as a social conservative candidate would have been; she looks a bit better cause I was mentally prepared to get a social conservative strict constructionalist. But I’d be very surprised if she rules against big business often.
This is perhaps unfair of me. On the other hand, it’s difficult to believe that a legal career in which she defended a lot of corporate interests indicates that she didn’t enjoy it to some degree. Which is OK — everyone needs legal defense, even guilty people, and corporations aren’t always guilty. Not sure the Supreme Court needs that kind of inclination, though.
Mostly I’m enjoying watching the fissure between big business and social conservatives. This has been coming ever since Bush didn’t come down hard on the Schiavo case. This is just sort of the final evidence that Bush is not a social conservative at heart.
Long distance relationships have gotten a lot easier since I was in college.
It’s all technology, right? But I cast my mind back, and I remember when phone calls were a huge deal. You had to ration them, because there’s nothing you want more than to talk to your girlfriend for a long, long time, but an hour of phone conversation is awfully expensive. Ramen or voice contact. Hard choice. So you get a call a week, maybe two, and you have to keep it reasonably short, and letters are very nice but not quite the same.
Email letters, not paper letters. I’m not that old. And fortunately, by the time I got to college, AT&T had already lost the monopoly so competition had driven prices down. But still, man, phone clutched to ear and distance audible in the phone lines and yeah. Plus the sizable phone bills at the end of the month. You don’t really want to feel guilty about talking to loved ones, but when you know you’re spending their money, it can suck.
Well. If the big romantic revolution of the 60s was the Pill? The big revolution of the 00s is night and weekend minutes. Free phone calls make conversation what it ought to be; easy and fluid and without impediment. If you want to talk every night before bed, you can. It makes a difference. No guilt about two hour phone calls, time to talk things out, time. Time’s a gift, right?
And this isn’t even getting into Vonage and Skype and Google Talk. Those get you free conversation any time, at the cost of being tethered to a computer. (But think Bluetooth headsets.) Life gets a bit easier. But really, night and weekend minutes make the big difference; that’s the practical leap. I imagine in the next five years or so, voice over IP (aka computer telephony) will come closer to being consumer technology. Right now, cell phones already are consumer technology, and it doesn’t count as a revolution until my aunt can use it. Disclaimer: as far as I know, my aunt isn’t having an LDR.
It’s just another facet of the Information Revolution, obviously. Decreased difficulty of communication, which has all the same effects you’d expect from decreased friction. (Including the whole “decreased difficulty of pissing each other off,” in the general case, aka flame wars. But that’s not what I’m talking about here.) It makes any form of communication easier. You could write a thesis about it. One of Rob’s students probably will. Relationships are one of those forms.
Which is not a surprise, if you think about it. Go read a self-help book about relationships. What’s key? Communication. So of course, LDRs are hard because it’s hard to communicate; and of course, they become easier when communication becomes easier. Obvious in retrospect.
Long term secondary effects, eh. I wouldn’t make any sweeping predictions. I do kind of think that sense of place, like sense of identity, will become more fluid in this century. Location is a state of mind? Maybe. But I’m not completely sure of that; the technology isn’t that disruptive yet. Yet.
Tell you, though. Voice is great; it removes much of the confusion and mixups you can get from the lack of inflections in text. Add webcams to the mix, for easy visual cues? Two out of five senses is luxury, especially when I compare it to the hour or so a week of free voice I got back in college. I like the Information Revolution.
Also: “You can’t solve social problems in software,” my butt.