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Anonymous posting

I was looking for a way to permit random people to submit entries to Movable Type, and there’s not really any way to do it out of the box, so I wrote this CGI. It is not entirely polished; in particular, it ought to use a config file and of course the HTML is gonna need to be changed. It also ought to display a success page. However, I realized last night that I was going to wind up modifying it substantially to meet my specific needs and that it wouldn’t be so generally useful post-modification, so here you go.

Note that unless you add NoPublishMeansDraft 1 to your mt.cfg file, submissions will be not be posted as drafts. More details on that here.

Edit: Mmm. Yeah. Sorry about that; I stuck the CGI off in the extended entry bit.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::Blogger;
use CGI::Pretty;
use strict;
#### Initialize everything
#### Set up Net::Blogger & CGI objects
my $mt = Net::Blogger->new(engine => 'movabletype');
my $query = new CGI;
#### Set up some variables
my %cathash;
my $categories;
#### Set appropriate params
#### Get category list
my $categories = $mt->mt()->getCategoryList();
foreach my $cat (@$categories) {
$cathash{$cat->{'categoryName'}} = $cat->{'categoryId'};
#### Display the HTML page
print $query->header;
print $query->start_html;
print $query->h1("Submit an Entry");
print $query->start_p;
print $query->start_form;
print $query->strong("Title: ");
print $query->textfield('title');
print $query->strong("Category: ");
print $query->popup_menu('category', [ keys(%cathash) ]);
print $query->br;
print $query->textarea('body','',20,80);
print $query->br;
print $query->submit;
print $query->end_form;
print $query->end_p;
print $query->end_html;
#### Do the actual post
if ($query->param('title')) {
#### Subroutine: post
####    Takes:   CGI object
####    Does:    makes a post to MT
####    Returns: error string if any, otherwise true
sub post {
my $query = shift;
my $post = $mt->metaWeblog->newPost(
title => $query->param('title'),
description => $query->param('body'),
publish => "0",
) || return $mt->LastError, exit;
postid => $post,
categories => [{categoryId => $cathash{$query->param('category')}}],
) || return $mt->LastError, exit;

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