Clayton Cramer is fairly unhappy with Amazon because they’re selling a book entitled Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers. It is an apology piece for pedophilia, and I feel pretty comfortable assuming it’s utterly vile.
I also don’t think Amazon should stop selling it, because of their position as a huge bookstore. Cutting off the channels by which a book reaches its readers is not strictly speaking censorship, but it’s a kissing cousin. This will become less of an issue as the Internet becomes a better medium for transmitting information, but at the moment I think a bookstore the size of Amazon still has an obligation to sell books without discrimination, however justified that discrimination might be.
Cramer disagrees.
“If sold a book titled, Fagbashing for Fun and Profit: How to Kill Homosexuals and Get Away With It or 99 Ways to Rape Women and Beat the Rap in Court, I would be just as incensed—and liberals would be hollering for Jeff Bezos’ head on a platter, instead of making excuses for publishing this trash.”
He’s incorrect. Amazon sells The Protocols of Zion, Mein Kampf, and (if you’re feeling like being outraged from the right) The Communist Manifesto.
I’m surprised Cramer has heard of Rice v. Paladin Enterprises. He certainly hasn’t read it. Contrast Rice:
with Cramer:
Or maybe Cramer’s interpretation of “promotes” is much, much broader than mine.
Some quotes from earlier cases I’m too tired to attribute:
“These later decisions have fashioned the principle that the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”
“the mere abstract teaching . . . of the moral propriety or even moral necessity for a resort to force and violence is not the same as preparing a group for violent action and steeling it to such action.”
It’s far from clear, but Cramer made his principles pretty clear: “Of course, it doesn’t have to be a “how-to” manual for molesting children.”
Ok, looking back over the passage I quoted from Rice, I do see that “promotion” is actually a component of the case against Paladin. Just want to point out that I do see that, and that I still find Cramer’s statement totally inconsistent both with that passage and with Rice as a whole.
Yeah, good point — Cramer’s pretty darned weak there as well.