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Spinoff comic

I got into the Movable Type 3.0 beta the other day, but I had no idea what I would test with. I didn’t want to convert Population: One over since beta code can’t be expected to be stable. And then it hit me — keep my current obsession out of the way of anyone who doesn’t care about MMORPGs.

Accordingly, I give you Population: Heroes. The LiveJournal feed is (or should soon be) popheroes.


  1. t. rev t. rev

    It says ‘Population: Heros’ at the top of the page.

  2. Beta one had some significant issues, but on the whole it’s been pretty stable since Beta 2, which is what I converted OM+HB over to when my hosting provider managed to hose the site after a “server upgrade”.

    Mind you, I’m still exporting the database every night, just to be on the safe side…

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