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“Today we have elves, stormtroopers and now superheroes,” Koster said. “We need to break out of the geek ghetto. No offense … I am one.”

Wired is running the old mainstream acceptance article, except it’s about MMORPGs instead of comic books. And yeah, we all know how unpopular stories about elves, stormtroopers, and superheroes are.

#2 movie of all time: Star Wars. #4 movie of all time: The Phantom Menace. #5 movie of all time: Spider-Man. #6 movie of all time: Return of the King. movie of all time: The Two Towers.

If and when MMORPGs break mainstream, it’s not going to be because of a change in subject matter. It’s going to be because of gameplay, which needs to be more tuned to the mainstream user, and ease of play, ditto. But there are no problems at all with the genres they’re mining.


  1. Kirby Kirby

    One would think that we wouldn’t forget the story of The Sims so quickly.

  2. No kidding, Kirby.

    Wait until Sims 2 hits… even without online play, it’s going to rock the mundane world.

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