The chic thing to do is to keep it at 0 messages. Ha ha. But I got it under 50 over the fall and I kept it there for a few months; let’s make sure I can keep that up for a while.
Author: Bryant
They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They? is a very cool site that aggregates as many top movie lists as they can. As of the time I posted this, I was at 32% of their 21st Century’s 250 Most Acclaimed Films list. Good list. Worth more effort.
I should note that I don’t do these film lists out of a desire to keep score; it’s because I want to understand movies better, and seeing more great movies helps me with that.
This book is not the best book, but it’s an OK book. A year ago I entered about half of it on the Lists of Bests site. I’d like to finish that up. It’ll take an hour sometime.
A course in whatever. Something adult education. There’re enough opportunities in the Cambridge area; should be easy.
I’ve only done this once, go figure. BOO YALE. It’d be fun to go again. College, high school, pro, whatever.
He loves it. We’ve done the Celtics and the Red Sox. Either of those again would be ducky.
We have a lot of non-paperbacks, too. It would be nice to have them in some semblance of organization. “Arthur Ransome lives in the drawing room; Flashman lives in the office.”
We have, oh, something over a thousand? This will take a weekend.
I would like to, someday, break through the level 20 barrier and get up to a decent level. I have Horde friends who want to play with me. Note that I didn’t say level 80 level cap; it’s entirely possible I won’t get to this before the next expansion.
My wee little gnome tank is fun to play, but I’m quite happy not raiding. So the logical thing to do is to optimize her gear such that she can contribute well on raids. I’m fairly sure she could OT Naxxramas, since she’s OT’d Sartharion already, but I dislike making healers sad. So better gear is in order.