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Month: September 2003

Dear Brother #10 (Intro)

The next three Dear Brothers are all writeups from one session. Only one of them is by Reese. Rob did the session in three parts. The first was a sideways trip to a pulp world in which we played Doc Lully’s Pulp Heros and explored the Hollow Earth; the second was a flashback to 1968, during which we played the Silver Age Knights of the Road, kin to the Merry Pranksters. The final segment was our usual characters, albeit in a situation they didn’t remember after the fact.

I’ve ambitiously adopted two new voices for the purpose of recounting the first two sessions. If they work half as well as Reese’s voice, I’ll be very pleased.

And the papers say

I’ve gotten my hands on the complaint in the White Wolf vs. Sony case. (Link to complaint back, since they redirected it to another server.) Be warned that there are big fat spoilers for Underworld in the complaint. Some notes, thusly.

The key White Wolf titles are Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Guide to the Camarilla, Guide to the Sabbat, The Book of Nod, Caine’s Chosen: The Black Hand, Under A Blood Red Moon, Children of the Night, Time of Thin Blood, and Transylvania Chronicles One: Dark Tides Rising. And, of course, Nancy Collins’ The Love of Monsters, which is apparently set in the World of Darkness.

There’s an extensive list of similarities between Underworld and various White Wolf titles. I have no doubt the similarities exist, but I think they’re on the same level as the similarities between L.A. Story and When Sally Met Harry. “Hey, the protagonists fell in love! And they live in major American cities!”

Some examples:

56. In the World of Darkness, some vampires are capable of amazing speed. In Underworld, some vampires move with amazing speed.

57. In the World of Darkness, vampires “have the strength of ten men.” In Underworld, vampires “have the strength of ten men.”

71. In the World of Darkness, the history of the vampires is written in an ancient text. In Underworld, the history of the vampires is written in ancient texts.

Cause, you know, histories of ancient secretive races are usually written in modern texts.

There are more specific correspondences, but nothing that doesn’t exist in prior art. White Wolf just doesn’t have the copyright on “tall and lithe” vampire assassins. Even female ones with “a dusky, classical tone to her skin and black hair.”

Sources of inspiration

Clayton Cramer has more comments on Amazon; in fact, he posted my email to him (which is fine by me). I emailed him back, and since I don’t know if he’ll post it, I’ll summarize here.

I think it’s ludicrous to claim that nobody takes Mein Kampf and The Protocols of Zion seriously. (Let alone The Turner Diaries.) It’s not too complicated. Buford Furrow. Michael Ryan. Eric Rudolph.

Cramer has a bit of a persecution complex, which is no surprise to anyone who remembers his Usenet days.

Empire and Martians

Comic book pick of the week: Scarlet Traces. Ian Edington wrote it, and D’Israeli did the art. The story is a nifty little murder mystery, and the gimmick is that it’s set in England ten years after Wells’ War Of The Worlds.

“The Martians’ unwitting bequest to their would-be slaves was a form of technology as then undreamt of by mankind. Within a decade our brightest minds had unravelled its secrets, their machineries of war and subjugation adapted and assimilated into our everyday usage. The noble steed — our companion and carriage for millenia is replaced by a clockwork toy! Homes are heated and lit by a version of the once-dreaded heat ray. The great mills and factories of the North are now vast, mechanized estates. The British Empire is now truly a world power without peer, but I cannot help but wonder if we have lost something in the process.”

It’s kind of pricy, at $15 for 72 pages of story, but I like the sturdy hardcover format. It actually rather reminds me of Tintin, which I suspect is no coincidence — Edington and D’Israeli use the same regular grid as Herge, and some of the characters have those distinctive accents Herge loved to use.

Plus the world is a completely cool concept. The big panoramic views of London are beautiful; you can see a few of them here. Very striking.

Count carefully

Heads up to all the neocons going on about how Australia’s proven to be a true friend, who will be with us always and us always with them, here’s to the new Anglo-American ruling faction, etc. Australia ain’t sending peacekeepers to Iraq. Hope this doesn’t make anyone’s head spin with the complexities. Helpful hint to said neocons: you can’t always decide what the next ten years of foreign policy are gonna be based on the last six months.

Which to ban

Clayton Cramer is fairly unhappy with Amazon because they’re selling a book entitled Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers. It is an apology piece for pedophilia, and I feel pretty comfortable assuming it’s utterly vile.

I also don’t think Amazon should stop selling it, because of their position as a huge bookstore. Cutting off the channels by which a book reaches its readers is not strictly speaking censorship, but it’s a kissing cousin. This will become less of an issue as the Internet becomes a better medium for transmitting information, but at the moment I think a bookstore the size of Amazon still has an obligation to sell books without discrimination, however justified that discrimination might be.

Cramer disagrees.

“If sold a book titled, Fagbashing for Fun and Profit: How to Kill Homosexuals and Get Away With It or 99 Ways to Rape Women and Beat the Rap in Court, I would be just as incensed—and liberals would be hollering for Jeff Bezos’ head on a platter, instead of making excuses for publishing this trash.”

He’s incorrect. Amazon sells The Protocols of Zion, Mein Kampf, and (if you’re feeling like being outraged from the right) The Communist Manifesto.

Coulda killed 'em

We have a new candidate for the most chilling statement on WMD. They’ve actually been dancing around this one for a while, but John Bolton just got around to saying it. Here’s the AP lede:

The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was justified in part because Saddam Hussein retained scientists capable of building nuclear weapons, Washington’s top arms control official said Thursday.

In other words, it was justified because Saddam didn’t get rid of the scientists. And here I thought we were unhappy with Saddam’s tendency to kill inconvenient people.

But, OK, let’s be fair. That’s not a direct quote, and it’s completely possible that the Associated Press reporter is being a tad misleading. In fact, if you read the direct quotes from the article, you’ll notice that Bolton is saying that Saddam was keeping the scientists around in order to rebuild WMD programs. It wasn’t just that Saddam let them live, it’s that Saddam kept them around for that specific purpose.

Except that even if you’re that fair, it’s still ludicrous, because now you’re justifying the invasion based on what we think Saddam might have been planning — even though every captured Iraqi scientist and minister has said “Nope, wasn’t anything going on.”

And even if you accept that bit of ludicrousness, it still contradicts the stated justification before the war. In fact, let’s look at Bolton’s November 1, 2002 speech to the Husdon Institute:

“Iraq’s procurement agents are actively working to obtain both weapons-specific and dual-use materials and technologies critical to their rebuilding and expansion efforts, using front companies and whatever illicit means are at hand… It has rebuilt its civilian chemical infrastructure and renewed production of chemical warfare agents, probably including mustard, sarin and VX. It actively maintains all key aspects of its offensive BW [biological weapons] program.”

One more time!

“Whether he possessed them today or four years ago isn’t really the issue,” versus “It has rebuilt its civilian chemical infrastructure and renewed production of chemical warfare agents…”

It’s possible to argue that the invasion was justified for humanitarian reasons. However, the issue is not simply whether or not the invasion was justified. The issue is also whether or not John Bolton lied to us one year ago.

Tufte flies

Edward Tufte posted some links to rather striking GIF animations of air traffic patterns over the United States. You can see the waves of FedEx planes taking off from Memphis, for example. He also has a link to an animation of air traffic patterns on 9/11/2001, which is striking in a different way.

It being Tufte’s site, someone’s noted (accurately) the problems with the data presentation.

WISH #63: Value adds

WISH 63 asks:

What kinds of game-related things do you do when you’re not gaming? Do you write journals or fiction, create web-pages, make character images, or indulge in other outside game-related business? If you game regularly face-to-face, do you play by email or chat outside the game? Does your GM give you experience or character rewards for your efforts? And if you don’t do any of these things, what are your reasons for not doing them (disinterest, insufficient time, insufficient interest, etc.)?

Oh, man. This is gonna be long.

OK, this is kind of repetition for people who read my blog regularly, but what the heck. Yeah, I do a lot of out of game stuff, just for my own amusement. A bunch of it is on the Web, and I will take this opportunity to link ruthlessly, in roughly chronological order.

Going very old school, from the time I spent in Iowa City, I have Chela’s diary. It’s from an Amber campaign I was in. Fun game, even if the diary is an artifact of a much younger me.

Next, we have my UN PEACE page, a half-hearted IC Web page for Carl Rigney’s UN PEACE campaign. I gave up on keeping it up to date at some point. Man, the graphics on the Vantage Comics page suck. The individual comic titles are links, which is not at all obvious from the design. I put way too much effort into coming up with faux reality comic storylines, not to mention the comic creators.

The Honor Against the Wall page is the only one of these that I created as a GM; it’s for a short-lived L5R game that I wish I’d kept up. I’ll pretend it’s Rob Heinsoo’s fault for moving to Seattle. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Anyhow, it’s a much prettier page.

Lately, of course, I’ve been writing the Dear Brother letters for my disturbing character in Rob’s Unknown USA campaign. I’m very proud of them, which is I suppose why I’ve kept them up. I’m almost up to date, too. They go with the infamous Unknown USA Wiki, which has not only eaten my brain but seems to have eaten the brain of at least one fellow player plus the GM.

I do these things for games I’m really enjoying because it gives them weight. Reese is more concrete to me because of the material I’ve written. The wiki has had the additional, unexpected effect of clarifying a huge amount of in-game material. Hm, and I’ll expound a bit on that:

Our characters have more bandwidth to notice the little things in their lives. No GM can possibly describe all the small setting elements that go into forming a mood; we say the circus tent is scary, and provide a few reasons as to why, but it’s never more than an outline which leaves us to fill in the details of the fear. That’s an effective technique, but it’s very hard to simulate leaps of intuition, because they’re generated by those details.

The wiki provides a very quick-forming context in which multiple players can generate those leaps through a sort of brainstorming process. When you’re carefully filling in all the links between setting elements, you see things you wouldn’t see otherwise — it’s a method of tricking yourself into reviewing all the little hints dropped by the GM. Great stuff.

OK, where was I? I’ve never gotten experience points for any of this stuff except Chela’s diary, but that’s not really why I do it. I do it cause I like writing and I like making out of game artifacts that touch on the game. It’s a way of connecting to the setting, for me.

I sometimes RP outside sessions of an FTF game. It depends on the players and the situation. For example, Carl was running another game in the UN PEACE universe, and my PC had a romance with one of the PCs in that game, so we did some online RP around that. But it’s not something I do habitually.