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Author: Bryant


Not that this will convince anyone, but Lt. Col. Killian’s secretary says she didn’t believe in the CBS documents. She says, as has been hypothesized, that she would have typed the documents for him and that she doesn’t remember doing so. She was very specific about the typewriters she had available.

She also verified the content of the memos, and said that they accurately reflected Killian’s opinions about Bush.

This all jibes pretty well with the theory that Bill Burkett was the source of the memos. He believes he saw Bush’s records being purged back in 1997. He’s highly pissed off about the whole thing. I’m ready to believe that he made a stupid mistake, and that he recreated (or perhaps simply retyped) memos that summarize how Killian felt at the time.

This explains why the memos mesh with what is painfully obvious: Bush didn’t take his National Guard service too seriously, and he was willing to pull strings to make it easier on himself. It also explains the amazing coincidence that the line breaks in the memos fall exactly where Microsoft Word’s default line wrap algorithm would put them. I’ve liked the “forgeries based on real documents” explanation for a while, so perhaps I’m biased, but I think the Dallas News story linked above illuminates the entire thing quite nicely.

What, never?

This line from a CNN story on the explosion in North Korea amused me: “The White House insists diplomacy is still the best strategy, although officials say the president never takes military action off the table.”

So I have this image of aides patiently explaining that Canada has been an ally for a long long time, and that it really doesn’t make sense to invade them just because they won’t send troops to Iraq, and Bush is looking all stalwart and determined. “I just don’t think we should take military action off the table. You never know.”

Word to the wise

If you want to see the Sin City footage shown at Comicon, you can. It’s being filmed in digital on digital sets, and the trailer is really oriented towards demonstrating how well Robert Rodriguez is capturing the look of the comic book. (Answer: quite well.)

Not more of that

I just realized something about how I play My Life With Master. I don’t ever particularly care about getting to the endgame, in which the players take down the Master. In fact, I always kind of don’t look forward to it, because it sounds like it’s going to be a long drawn-out process in which success or failure of the mandated goal depends entirely on a lot of tough die rolls.

During the remainder of a MLWM game, my definition of “success or failure” doesn’t depend on dice. For me, success comes when something interesting happens with a connection or with another minion; success or failure on a die roll just guides me towards the exact nature of the interesting something. Or lack thereof.

Cloudy day

One cannot help but feel somewhat apprehensive about reports of a mushroom cloud over North Korea. I would feel less apprehensive if it hadn’t occurred on the anniversary of North Korea’s foundation, which is apparently used as an opportunity to stage patriotic and inspiring events.

Can’t help it; I’m still not feeling all that much safer now that Saddam’s out of power. I know I’m meant to feel like Bush has done a wonderful thing, but the problem is… it only takes one bomb in the hands of a madman. Doesn’t matter if the bomb comes from a mythical weapons program in Iraq or a real weapons program in North Korea, except in the peskily practical sense that you can’t get a nuclear weapon out of a mythical weapons program.


OK: some people want to see Ong Bak and Dead and Breakfast. (See previous post.) They are both playing a week from today. Ong Bak starts at 7:15 and 9:45 at the Lowes Boston Common; Dead and Breakfast starts at 7:30 and 9:45 at the Copley.

Seeing Ong Bak first provides more transit time. (Walk vs. subway?) So that’s the right way to do things. Thus, here’s how it’s gonna work:

I will buy tickets for both shows this weekend, for myself and for everyone who makes the request by Saturday midnight. Post early, post often. We’ll meet up at the Lowes before the show, around 6:30. Fun will ensue.