Hey, kids, Warren Ellis is taking the pulse of the Internet again. He wants your picture. I sent him mine.
Category: Culture
Horked from Metafilter, but high on the cool factor: MagicGallery.com, a collection of vintage magician posters from 1890 to 1930. Those who enjoyed a certain novel should make sure to view this poster.
Poolhall Junkies is top of the line fare, as Christopher Walken B-movies go. We’re talking The Prophecy quality here, albeit in a completely different kind of flick.
The star of the movie is a guy named Mars Callahan, who also wrote and directed the thing. His sister is America Martin, which is completely irrelevant but I thought it was cool. Anyhow, he overdirects about half the time — it’s way too stylized in places, and some of the jokes are dead corny — but when you get right down to it what you’ve got is a hustler movie with some good dialogue and an excuse for Walken and Chazz Palminteri to swagger around and do that macho cool thing they both do so well.
Also, Rick Schroder is stand-out good in this and he should get more roles. Trust me on this one. Or don’t, since it’s out on DVD as of last week.
Well, this is a dangerous site. Book Sale Finder is a lengthy list of upcoming book sales across the United States. Probably better avoided if you’re prone to book-buying, but it’s too late for me.
Yeah, I thought the first rush of news in the White Wolf v. Sony case was done too — but I was wrong. Sadly, I’ve missed the first court session. White Wolf wanted a restraining order to prevent Sony from releasing Underworld, but they got an expedited discovery period and a preliminary injunction hearing in a month.
My favorite bit of the press release is the bit where the judge denies White Wolf the restraining order because they can’t post a big enough bond to protect Sony from potential damages.
Today’s item of interest: the Comic Book Idol competition. I wish I’d stumbled on this earlier, but it’s still fun at this late stage. A bunch of would-be comic book pros are lined up a la American Idol to produce their best work for a panel of celebrity judges, and we get to vote on who gets kicked off the island.
Martin Redmond and Jonathan Hickman are doing tres nifty work, in my book. I have no idea who keeps voting for Flores, though.
Things I know to be true: Kip Manley can write, and City of Roses looks like it might be a really good textual equivalent of the webcomic form. Which is to say we’re getting back to serial literature, a la Dickens, except that Kip’s madly promised to post an installement every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so it’ll be a tad more frequent than Dickens. No standing on the docks waiting for the next installment for us.
Starting in September. Stay tuned.
It just goes on and on. Someone’s who’s actually seen Underworld posted a summary of the movie. Compare it to a summary of the short story upon which, in large part, White Wolf’s complaint rests. I’m far too much of a junkie for this stuff; if it goes to court I want to go watch the trial.
I read lengthy messageboard threads so you don’t have to. The only useful post on the White Wolf vs. Sony RPG.net thread is a summary of the Nancy Collins story. Probably not a substitute for reading the damned story yourself, but for those us who don’t want to go digging through used bookstores for some old White Wolf anthologies, this is the next best thing.
Warren, you’ll be missed. He saw that James Bond film, he saw his last album hit the shelves, and he saw his grandchildren born. I guess it was time.
Shadows are falling and I’m running out of breath
Keep me in your heart for a while