For the curious, my GenCon schedule follows.
Iron Ref (Judge/Player), 2 PM — 8 PM
This is run by a couple I’ve sort of kind of known for a long time, and whom I had a great time gaming with last GenCon. The concept is also terribly cool. Quasi-fortunately, my other first choice for this slot filled up two hours after registration opened, so I didn’t have to make a choice.
Beneath the Astrolabe (Dread), 8 PM — midnight
I’ve always wanted to play Dread. Maybe I’ll get lucky and score a copy… OK, while looking up something else I just discovered that this is not the Dread that Rafael Chandler wrote. Well, crap. And I already bought the ticket. Well, it sounds kind of interesting anyhow.
Whirlpool of Blood (Shadowfist draft), noon — 4 PM
I am not ever going to be a top-notch Shadowfist player again. I’ve pretty much come to terms with this. I don’t play enough, I don’t obsess about it enough, and my play style is sufficiently different from the play style of the designers that I don’t get that many cards which support my play style. Mostly, though, I don’t play enough. So I’ll do one draft event and have fun, but I won’t do the World Championship this time.
Fireborn: Become the Dragon, 4 PM — 8 PM
The setting sounds kind of cool but I really want to find out what the system is like.
The Frogs of War (Adventure!), noon — 4 PM
Heard good things about this GM from friends of mine, plus it’s Adventure! so how could I miss it? I got the last ticket for this. Phew.
Real Men Wear Tights (Four Colors Al Fresco), 4 PM — 8 PM
I am very intrigued by superheroes in a historic setting. The system is also pretty fascinating — it’s different, and I’m a neophile.
Dragon Bone (Everway), noon — 4 PM
Another GM recommended to me by friends. The same friends, come to think of it.
I also failed to sign up for a Black Company preview. I’m going to try and get into it anyway. I really want to see what Green Ronin does with Black Company.