Edward Tufte has collected some interesting links regarding information design and the presentation of information regarding the Columbia disaster. I recommend in general his Ask E.T. board, which has tons of well-written thoughtful commentary on design matters.
Category: General
Hey, lookie here! The legendary Nick Mamatas has gone and written the best LJ post ever. No. Strike that. Best post ever, anywhere. Don’t be thinking it only applies to LJers, either. It also applies to Condoleezza Rice.
The design for the Pentagon 9/11 memorial has been chosen. I like the sound of it; it includes trees. And getting this one right is as important as getting the WTC rebuild right.
CNN has a small picture of the proposal.
They chose the crystalline design for the replacement WTC. They’ll be the tallest buildings in the world, and they will be pretty darned cool looking.
Does anyone have any thoughts to share on Steven Erikson? As in, has anyone read his books?
Possibly I don’t want to be a writer all. Apparently there are pitfalls. Sadly, I find myself tempted to actually buy the book under discussion. Fortunately, there’s no purchase information provided.
You know, I think next Valentine’s Day I’m going to Paris. That’s just cool.
So the Onion went and asked a bunch of celebs who they could take in a fight. I gotta say, if you respond to that question with “I believe in non-violent solutions” or words to that effect, you’re kind of wimping out. This is the Onion. Have a sense of humor. Maintain your principled stance on non-violence by saying “Nobody, because I have a principled stance on non-violence and I’d just curl up into a little ball even if it was Nancy Reagan coming after me.”
Best line in the piece was from Frank Miller:
Well, she [Little Lulu] doesn’t exist. She’s just lines on paper. If you want to go along those lines, I’ll just say I could take Galactus. Paper rips.
Yeah, baby. Paper rips.
Also, I am tremendously jealous of my once housemate Tasha Robinson who gets to go out and interview people and ask them questions like that. There’s someone who knew what she wanted to do and now does it.
EMI/Capital has purchased a clue and is reissuing Warren Zevon’s back catalog. Plus bonus material, including an entire unreleased album from his early days. I think it’s wonderful news, if a little belated. (By way of Jim Henley.)
A long time ago, in the heyday of Webrings, I thought about setting up a link exchange along Nomic lines, but I was too lazy and never got around to it. BlogNomic is sort of like that, except it centers on weblogs. If I was a diehard Nomic player I’d get involved in this but I should keep reminding myself that it’s all I can do to get through a game of PbEM Diplomacy without losing interest.