A bout of wrestling with my mail spool brought it down to a mere 50-odd messages. Go me! I am now graphing this as an aid to diligence:
Um. I will edit those images so as to be visible on the blog later.
It's where I talk to myself. Gaming, politics, and links I don't want to forget about.
A bout of wrestling with my mail spool brought it down to a mere 50-odd messages. Go me! I am now graphing this as an aid to diligence:
Um. I will edit those images so as to be visible on the blog later.
Check off American Gangster on the Oscars list. I don’t think I’ll bother to do a whole review. It was okay, very competent, not great. Ruby Dee got an Oscar nomination for like five minutes of acting, which was probably not deserved.
Finished entering the 100 best films you’ve never heard of etc. Man, for a site with a cool concept, the interface for adding things to lists is painful. Well, no, more correctly, the search interface is atrocious. You can literally search on a full title, find nothing, then search on the first two words of the title and get the movie you want.
It could also use some data normalization. They key on Amazon entries, which is wise, since the revenue stream is Amazon affiliate links. However, there’s no linkage, so if you note that you’ve consumed a movie in one format there’s no record of it being consumed in any other.
… OK, that’s nitpicking. I know it’d be a huge amount of work. I’d love to see a way for users to do the work, though.
The job hunt is going quite well. I had a face to face interview Thursday, which I feel optimistic about; I also had a good phone interview today, and will be hearing back from them on Monday. Plus a couple more phone interviews next week. Plus maybe an interview in California. So I couldn’t feel too much better about my progress so far, although there’s obviously a ways to go.
Ran Naxx tonight; Abbi got Abomination Shoulderblades and the Amulet of Autopsy. Both are raid items, so I’ve defacto got best in slot for neck and shoulders covered. This also means I don’t need to spend badges on the Chained Military Gorget, which accordingly means I’ll be able to pick up the Waistguard of Living Iron soonish.
I should make progress on tasks that don’t involve Abbi this weekend, perhaps.
Soderbergh’s thinking about a movie based on Moneyball. That is even goofier than making a movie based on Candy Land. I’m all in. Seriously, Soderbergh’s intellectual approach makes him a perfect fit.
Abbi got Heros’ Dreadnaught Handguards and the Titanium Earthguard Ring today. That’s best in slot pre-raid for the hands, and probably best in slot pre-raid for one ring slot. The Kirin Tor exalted gloves are good but I want the two piece T7 bonus.
Haven’t done the full target list yet; should do that at some point.
I saw The Savages for the Oscar task; not bad, not great. I have no objections at all to Laura Linney’s performance, and I sort of assume Phillip Seymour Hoffman would have gotten the nomination for this if he hadn’t been nominated for Charlie Wilson’s War.
My review is here.
Several days late, but here we go. My 1001 days started on 2/1/2009, and will end on 10/20/2001. For more details, see my launch page.
Some tasks are geekier than others. Right now, the BSD ports collection is not getting updated properly on my server. This has been a small nagging issue that doesn’t actually hurt anything for a couple of years; might as well get it fixed.