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Population: One

Run One-shots

I don’t do as much gaming as I’d like to, and I’d really like to break through my laziness about running short-term games. I had a stretch where I did a few. Let’s get those GMing muscles back.

Purge DVDs

I have a few DVDs I don’t need or want. (The latter saves the entire sentence from being an understatement. I have a ton of DVDs I don’t, strictly speaking, need…) I want to sell them.


See all the Oscar nominees for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Film, Best Animated Film, Best Directing, Best Documentary, and Best Foreign Film for any year. 2007 looks pretty plausible, actually.

Update to task:

Here’s the 2007 Oscar winner checklist. I added screenplays, because it wasn’t going to mean too many more movies. Those I’ve seen are in bold.


Most likely roleplaying in nature, although not necessarily. The idea is to do something big — a campaign world, a game, something with a bit of substance to it.

Submit a Story

This task is not contingent on success, because who knows? Paper outlets are fine; Web outlets are also fine. If possible, this should be a SFWA qualifying market, but that’s not essential.