It might be worth rereading the reference material for Secrets first.
Author: Bryant
Looks like Pixar may be doing a John Carter of Mars trilogy. That has some promise.
For available texts, go here.
Bob Mould is running a poll on possible models for sales of his music, prompted by Radiohead’s nifty “pay what you want” release. $40 for a yearly subscription to Mould’s music seems like a decent deal to me. Better if you also get access to his back catalog. A lot of people would pay the $40 once and get a massive deal on all the old music, sure, but that’s still sales you might not see otherwise.
The Merry Daggers are a small company of adventurers resident in Vain’s Rest. They’re based in the Drunken Magistrate, which (as noted elsewhere) is managed by Ba Juerun and his family. There are six Daggers, which conveniently allows for six pre-generated characters for a four or five person one-shot.
This is the second PITF Index for Season 2 of Heroes, the superhero TV show where people really like to punch each other in the face.
Face-punch count: 4. Recap punches don’t count even if you think a slap in the face does.
PITF Index after the cut.
The Zombie Marathon, at the Somerville Theate. Movies include Shaun of the Dead, Fido, I Walked With A Zombie, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Zombie, and Dead Alive. I suspect that’s the full list, since it’s a 12 hour marathon and that’s 7 movies. No Romero? Shocking, but perhaps Diary of the Dead will sneak onto the program or something.
Second, the Brattle Theater’s Boston Fantastic Film Festival is coming soon, like weekend after next. Announced movies: Trapped Ashes (review), The District (review), The Signal (review), Murder Party (review), The Devil Dared Me To (review, read down a bit), and yay Zebraman (review).
I really want to catch Zebraman; Miike’s kaiju work has been way cool in the past. The District also seems really intriguing, and perhaps The Signal. The others I could take or leave, excepting Trapped Ashes, which from all the reviews looks intolerable.
Cheap (free) and easy solution: Formulate. It’s nearly perfect for filling in PDF character sheets, since you can save a filled-in sheet as a Formulate document and then use nifty built-in OS X features to print to PDF. For extra geek points, use handwriting fonts: there are a bunch here, amid the popups and blinking ads; Chank has you covered if you want to shell out for somewhat higher quality; or go grab the ECF handwriting fonts, which I like a lot.
This is the first PITF Index for Season 2 of Heroes, the superhero TV show where people like to punch each other in the face. Really. Go back and watch the first season; there’s an awful lot of face-punching going on.
Therefore, it makes sense to do a weekly recap of who deserves to get punched in the face the most. At least, in our world it does.
Face-punch count: 3, or 2 if you don’t count the face slap. Susan does not.
PITF Index after the cut.
Amazon now has a Print on Demand service. The pricing is a bit more complex than the competition (namely, Lulu), but everything gets an ISBN and you can publish into Amazon. Which is pretty huge.
I don’t think this is a Lulu killer, but it’ll definitely be competition, which hopefully will spur both companies to improve.
There are enough theories about the Broken Maiden to busy a university of scholars for semesters on end, so we will begin with what is known.
Once, the Maiden dwelt in the heavens. At times, during the month, she looked down upon the world with one eye. Other times, all you could see was her white smile curving through the sky. She blessed magicians with her wisdom, and was known to be the patron goddess of jesters.
And then she fell, not more than forty miles from Vain’s Rest. Among the things that are not known is the cause of her fall; we will return to this. The effects of her fall are clearer. There is a crater some miles across, and in the center, her marble body lies, surrounded by earth turned to glass. Her clothing has not decayed since she fell. Nor has her flesh.
The Broken Maiden is the most powerful source of magic known to man. By the term Broken Maiden we mean both the body and the crater that surrounds it. Some theorists would have it that she fell to save us: some mad genius created a magical source so powerful that the Maiden elected to give her own life in order to stifle it to the point where humanity could remain intact. Some theorists, who believe that she fell for some other reason, simply attribute the magical energies that surround the Broken Maiden to the Maiden’s own nature.
Those energies are dangerous. Animals enter the crater from time to time, and are inevitably transmuted. Coming close to the crater is not immediately deadly, but it is a surefire method of changing one’s life. No human lives less than twenty miles from the Broken Maiden. There are edifices much closer, both above and below ground, and many find it worth the trouble to visit them, but few spend more than a week at a time in such pursuits.
Not all of those structures, by the by, were known before the Maiden fell. Some of them seem to have grown from the sands of the desert without the need for human hands.
Vain’s Rest is conveniently located just far enough from the Broken Maiden to be reasonably safe for its inhabitants.